The snakes came from the farms but now are far from harming
anybody. Furry followers held in check. Nights we all were
out the flames moved in. Wouldn’t it be simpler the wooden
things to wave? Nada. I’ll place a cape in front of your
linen spot. Takes care to stop a tear. Then the train came
and we all began mumbling.

Not as famous as the war, was it? Block after block until
the sun fell behind. France, Jorgensen, Trailer, Hide.
I have broken the codes to all these walls. Snorkeling and
then found it at the bottom. A remove. The fittings from
other worlds.

Another quart of that crystal and we’ll all get revealed.
Large leafy episode with sidebars. A coast of Greece
has vanished. The coke bar came down, the surviving clown.
Bouncers from way back on a sunny day in Denver. We hid our
classical hooks. And even more through these, the newly
equipped windows. Some other one was there when I called
and called. Oversynthetic fright failure closing in. Put
this vehicle down when I tell you. Stop seizing up in stores.
The visitors only lifted stones.


From On the Nameways (The Figures, 2000) by Clark Coolidge. Copyright © 2000 by Clark Coolidge. Used with the permission of the publisher.