In my youth
                    I studied
                                 the impossibilia
Setting a tree of language
                                       in void space
                                                              on fire
—Like a dark lake
                                              by the hot winds of heaven
Or the bed of the same dark lake
                                                                 with dry bright grass
Which the lightning
                                              But now

The ax
            is laid to the root
                                      of all the trees.
From not knowing
                              there follows
                                                          a certain gratitude
As from not willing
                                 there follows
                                                      a certain distracted haste.
But the barren tree
                              the sanguine fire
                                                        will consume forever.


From Sweet Youth by Allen Grossman (New Directions, 2002). Copyright © 2002 by Allen Grossman. Reprinted with the permission of the publisher.