New moon in midheaven, in Libra. The hermit wields two swords. Temptation overcomes the star. The chariot travails with weakend strength. Death rises to meet every face you meet. Ten wands whittled from prickly ash. Fall in love with a teacher. Build a home on the moon. Grow twinberry and gentian. The chart culminates in a stellium of ginger coins and wild yam discs.
Copyright © 2018 by Sade LaNay. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on November 9, 2018, by the Academy of American Poets.
“‘Entry 003 from I Love You and I’m Not Dead’ translates astrological data into images using correspondent and naturally-occurring magic and Tarot archetypes. The book where it’s included, I Love You and I’m Not Dead, forthcoming from Argos Books in 2019, is merrily mired in the denseness of language, reiterative layers of tone, register, and vernacular. Translation can be more elastic than a one-to-one exchange.”
—Sade LaNay