I have witnessed the demise that is ours
the brutal ways of the minute
the selfishness of zooming wealth.

I’ve seen the land invaded
smashed beyond repair
smelled the air of smoke stacks
towering bellows of babbling businessmen.

I have witnessed bone-ridden children
whose flesh seems stretched, almost transparent
falling off lifeless
and know in some small town excess crop burns
in the name of profit.

I have heard the word
of many-a-gold-laced pastor
spewing forth psychological manipulations
digging his own grave with every breath.

I have swum inanimate oceans blanketed with fish
who were my friends
and look up to see a grave hole in the dome
that protects us
and wonder how such a great species
lies dormant of the mind in things that matter.

My eyes see and pity the petty creatures
that roam the stock exchanges of the earth.

My eyes weep in an effort to understand our foolishness.

My eyes search for the natives who were once here
for that which can move wretched tyrants towards
knowing the importance of what is invisible.


From It Concerns the Madness (Long Shot, 2000) by Nancy Mercado. Copyright © 2000 by Nancy Mercado. Used with permission of the author.