translated from the Spanish by Stephen Kessler

Zeus himself could not undo the web
of stone closing around me. I have forgotten
the men I was before; I follow the hated
path of monotonous walls
that is my destiny. Severe galleries
which curve in secret circles
to the end of the years. Parapets
cracked by the days’ usury.
In the pale dust I have discerned
signs that frighten me. In the concave
evenings the air has carried a roar
toward me, or the echo of a desolate howl.
I know there is an Other in the shadows,
whose fate it is to wear out the long solitudes
which weave and unweave this Hades
and to long for my blood and devour my death.
Each of us seeks the other. If only this
were the final day of waiting.


“The Labyrinth,” by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Stephen Kessler, copyright © 1999 by Maria Kodama; translation copyright © 1999 by Stephen Kessler; from SELECTED POEMS by Jorge Luis Borges, edited by Alexander Coleman. Used by permission of Viking Books, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Publishing House LLC. All rights reserved.