See yonder soldier-lad
In Zouave jacket clad?
    His lovin’ heart is mine,
His heart so bright an’ glad;
    My soul an’ spirit combine
To love my soldier-lad.

O my dear lilly soldier-lad,
    I am true an’ so are you;
And oh, my lovin’ heart is glad,
    For I know that you are true.

My pretty solider-boy,
He is my only joy:
    He loves me with his might,
A love without alloy,
    My one, my true deight,
My pretty solider-boy.

    O my dear lilly solider-lad, etc.

My own lee soldier true,
He is a bandsman too;
    An’ when he’s in the stand,
His sweet eyes playin’ blue,
    He carries off the band,
My handsome soldier true.

    O my dear lilly soldier-lad, etc.

My precious lilly pet,
He plays a clarinet:
    De gals dem envy me,
But him they cannot get;
    Dem hate we both to see,
Me an’ my precious pet.

    O my dear lilly soldier-land, etc.

Where coolin ‘ breezes blow,
An’ silvery gullies flow
    Do’n t’rough de bamboo grove,
The amorous pea-doves coo:
    They’re cooin’ of my love,
While freshenin’ breezes blow.

    O my dear lilly soldier-lad, etc.

My dear Bermudan lad
In baggy trousies clad,
    I love you wid whole heart,
A heart that’s true an’ glad;
    Our love can never part,
My darlin’ bandsy lad.

    O my dear lilly soldier-lad, etc.


From Songs of Jamaica (Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1912) by Claude McKay. This poem is in the public domain.