Rebalance: Greenhouse Gases (CO2,N2O, CH4, H2O vapor) with
Recognize: Plants cool by evaporation, ground cover, shade, and
Replant: Lawns with Victory Gardens, as in world war past.
Regenerate: Biodiverse farms with trees-flowers-herbs-pasture-animals.
Restore: Carbon out of air and back into soils, where it belongs.
Replace: Industrial monocultures with regenerative permacultures.
Revisit: Food production by many small farms, not a few megafarms.
Reject: Fossil fuel-based pesticides, plastics, and propaganda.
Rethink: Healthy ecosystems and economies for all life.
Relocalize: Slow food, slow lifestyles, and slow economies.
Rekindle: Simple and good, nature and nurture, feeling over thinking.
Refeel: Kinship with pivoting sunflowers and starry fireflies.
Revive: Wildness, woodlands, wetlands, wildlife, waterways.
Reestablish: Health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats, beetles.
Respect: Work of insects, both pollinating and recomposing life.
Remember: Everything is connected.
               Everyone lives downstream and downwind.
Reimagine: Deep conservation, cooperation, and community.
Rebalance: Nature with nature. Mimic her. Sense her. Be her.


Copyright © 2020 Louise Maher-Johnson. From All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis (One World, 2020) edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson. Used with the permission of the editors.