after the fourth Duino Elegy by Rainer Maria Rilke
and a poem by Paul Cunningham after Ursula Andkjær Olsen

I angel at the beginning and ending
of the premeditated activities you call life
and yes, there are signs

that I angel above you
beyond language
in the interval between world and game

I jolt life into your hard husk
like an illegal procedure
that lasts your lifetime
except the law is on my side

This celestial body of content
is denying you entrance
to anything real

nothing is what it really is
everything is what I say it is

I am the original hyperstition
the cosmic apparatus
everything that remains
in the world you leave behind


From Ancient Algorithms (Sarabande Books, 2025) by Katrine Øgaard Jensen. Copyright © 2025 by Katrine Øgaard Jensen. Used with the permission of the author.