If no love is, O God, what fele I so? 
    And if love is, what thing and which is he? 
    If love be good, from whennes cometh my woo? 
    If it be wikke, a wonder thynketh me, 
    When every torment and adversite 
    That cometh of hym, may to me savory thinke, 
    For ay thurst I, the more that ich it drynke. 
And if that at myn owen lust I brenne, 
    From whennes cometh my waillynge and my pleynte? 
    If harm agree me, whereto pleyne I thenne? 
    I noot, ne whi unwery that I feynte. 
    O quike deth, O swete harm so queynte, 
    How may of the in me swich quantite, 
    But if that I consente that it be? 
And if that I consente, I wrongfully 
    Compleyne, iwis.   Thus possed to and fro, 
    Al sterelees withinne a boot am I 
    Amydde the see, betwixen wyndes two, 
    That in contrarie stonden evere mo. 
    Allas! what is this wondre maladie? 
    For hete of cold, for cold of hete, I dye.

From Troilus and Criseyde, as translated by Geoffrey Chaucer. This poem is in the public domain.