No slips moan
impossible & smooth
Maybe my tongue
embellished your
other hours
I never ask names
must have known
street’s light
welcomes you
into me in quiet
Your memory
forgives you
Mine Thighsneck
Hands on legs, ankles
You are not cruel enough
for this to be it is
My bed a message
a bed in use
and I want you
to leave it I want
to be left The next no
is followed close
and as been clinked dark flicker from heard hours into kisses like neck now other our prove to you your
Copyright © 2020 by Eran Eads. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on December 30, 2020, by the Academy of American Poets.
“I wanted to use the gaps in written language to show irresolvable tension within an other-than-consensual encounter. These fractures build to the last line which includes every word I considered for the poem but did not use (a brilliant Brian Blanchfield suggestion).”
—Eran Eads